About Me

Started Web Development a year ago. Have been constantly gaining knowledge. Trying to be better everyday.

Hi, I am Sheik Gulfaan from Chennai, India. I'm a fresh-faced Frontend Developer who enjoys making websites look awesome and easy to use. I'm currently diving into the world of backend development too, to understand what happens behind the scenes. Learning is my superpower, and I'm always excited to explore new ideas and bring them to life. My goal is to create websites that people love to visit and use. Let's embark on this coding adventure together and craft some digital magic!

!Check Out my Resume Below.

My Services

I have done my hands on given things

Frontend Developer

I have a solid grasp of JavaScript, React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS. Your product will look good and will be accesible on all devices.

Backend Developer

I have experince in Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB. I'm committed to building the sturdy infrastructure that keeps web systems running smoothly and reliably.

My Projects

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